I teach people Photoshop at a local community college. Yes, I'm that teacher that sets adults and teens off on the whimisical journey of making all your photos look stupendous or really bad (depending on how good the student is).
Today is the last day with my students, they survived, I survived and well some of them actually will become quite skilled and talented in the field of visual communications.
With exception of a couple of crazy moments, like the student who cracked under the reverse mask selection portion of his final practical and had to go out in the hall and hyperventilate into a paper bag for a few minutes--I assured him not knowing how to inverse his selection would not cause him to fail the course. Or the student that decided to turn the model for his retouch-face exercise into a dirty coal faced, Kentucky child bride.

As well as the crazy cousin of mine who found out where I was teaching and began crying in fits of hysteria at the doorway of my class room and he didn't seem to understand why his parents had changed the locks on him and kicked him out on his 23 year old keister the week before. He's got a history of drug addiction and well with the help of campus security he is gone to Chicago to live and hopefully rehabilitate with grand parents. Ah, family don't they just make your job so much more pleasant!
Anyway I am ready to hunker down to the nearest Mexican restuarant, order up a pitcher of margaritas and let the semester file away into the annals of the past.
Can't wait to see what is instore for me in the Fall.
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