Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Rock for Riley--March 1st, 2008
This flier is for the Full Blown Productions Showcase at Birdy's to benefit Riley Hospital for Children. No boob, but it's for the children and well maybe I could have gotten away with breastfeeding in the poster--I opted to keep it clean.

Check out the bands:
The Redwalls
Catfish Haven

Come out to Birdy's to see some fantastic bands and help out Riley Hospital.

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Father of Album covers:

Alan Steinweiss

I am envious of the city of L.A. right now, I wish I could get there before February 12 but alas I am cash strapped and tied to the job until spring. If I had a million dollars, I would blow it all on traveling and museum exhibits.

If anyone happens to live in L.A. and gets a chance to go, please let me know if it is as cool as I imagine, or if it falls short of expectations.

Friday, January 18, 2008

I stole this from Design Observer--but it was just too good to be true to not post!

Branding--American Gangsta Style.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

You had to have known that after the 2004 Jib Jab election parodies that this was coming.

KUNG FU Election by Atom Films is up and running. It's not quite as funny as the Jib Jab films, but this time around you can pick your candidate and fight them to the electoral death you feel they deserve. I'd advise skipping the intro it gets really annoying after the first 20 seconds.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

So it looks like Mr. "aint' ever hit a bitch" had more than natural causes come up in his autopsy. What a non-surprising shame. I liked what he did for Sun Records, but I can't respect the man who tried to keep Tina down. Big river keep on turnin'....

Cocaine is a hellova drug.
My boss and I have this great knack for talking about design in all it's business oriented and evolving properties. She's a smart, sassy industrial designer who doesn't have any "pie in the sky" ideas about design...she understands that design has to have a purpose and clean function.

Our jobs in the office are often dictated by the whims of big business and we both cringe when we see how little unity, direction and vision comes across our desks as the big "it" campaigns that will supposedly sell our companies products through the roof. We both share a sadness about the way business fragments and pulls apart design. But like most designers who care about good design in business, we brush off the dust and dirt and get back on our proverbial design horses to try and educate/persuade the misdirected masses that good design is important--really good design, when aligned with solid business objectives and consistent marketing strategies can save a business from extinction. Today my boss gave me an article to read about "the business of design"--take a read if you dare. It's dated from a Fast Company issue from April 2005 but it's message is still current.