Internal Dominant Personality
Yesterday, after realizing I had not marked on my calendar the four hour department meeting I was not prepared for yesterday, I was then asked by my favorite marketing account rep to add an "emergency" color correct/door knob image to the list of tasks for the day. This was on top of the full day's work load and deadlines I had scheduled for the day. Granted the task requested was not an overwhelming time-burden it just added kindling to an already burning fire of anxiety and stress.
Well, I'll be blunt, I was pissed. The first order of business from my department meeting was that all ten of us had to take a disc test. It's a personality test to see how you communicate, react and interact with others at your job. I would advise anyone taking this test, don't take it "angry."
Of course I did and and my answers all pointed to "dominant" personality category. Of course the rest of peers did not believe my answers could be pointing to a dominant personality, because normally I'm a ever-patient, over-accommodating graphic designer who uses her "MAC boom stick" and creates visual magic for their every need. Well, I blew a gasket (a lite, tiny gasket-cause I don't think I've ever gone completely bonkers on anyone before) and began explaining how I was an "internal dominant."
While I'm fulfilling all of the departments needs and graphic emergencies, inside I'm screaming at each person just to tell me exactly what they want, approve the design proof and let me move on to the next task. Then of course my wrath (internal dominant wrath that was being expressed with the fast jibberish to explain all of this) was directed to the earlier mentioned marketing account rep.
I went on to explain how I juggling a great deal of items and I can't prioritize them all efficiently if I have one individual constantly throwing a new item into the task list that has to get done right away. Anyway, I put internal dominant on the disc map--I'm sure passive aggressive designers of the world will rejoice that I have claimed a title that only those that have had to create the same damn logo over and over again and found that the only change the client gives you is to show it to them at a slightly different variation of an orange pms color or make the size of the sub brand logo being supported visually of course by the main brand logo "a little bigger," would understand. My list could go on and on...
My next concern is where in the corporate leadership chain will my internal dominant personality exist?
I've said my piece--so now I'm ready to let it go and move on.