I've been toying with an idea my marketing/photographer friend,
Kristen Leep, had suggested a few months ago: creating templates for people to purchase.
I've always been a staunch believer in original form verses manufactured facsimiles. If you can make it yourself and improvise with your imagination, you will always have a one-of-kind piece of work to offer a client/friend or anyone who wants something different from what all their other peers have.
I know templates make it easier for people (and me) to execute projects and ideas in the visual medium without the pain of creating everything from scratch--i.e. web pages and literature. What becomes heart-breaking is when everything starts to look alike because everyone has the same look and feel for their web sites or their personal/business promotional materials based on pre-created templates. That's where my job get's interesting.
I'd be willing to start a contest in August where I create a different type of template every week, and see who really would be interested in purchasing it.
And it would be a one of kind available to only to that person-for a reasonable price (I'm not out here to get rich-so depending on the template it might be a couple of bones or less than forty dollars for a template.)
I'm not sure really how much activity I get on this blog, because I can only see the metrics on who views my profile without unique ip addresses being counted (and really it could just be me logging on and checking my vitals every day.) So if I try this for a month (creating four templates -one per week) and I get a few bites, then maybe I'm getting more interest than I think, and I'd be willing to expand to more offerings.
We'll see what happens in August...I'm a busy little worker bee right now and my day job is royally kicking my butt on the time-clock until August.
Feel free to post/comment your thoughts or suggestions. I'll post more later-and remember to keep on keeping it real.